

The Athlete

Hydration Support

Detox Cleanse Drip

Glutathione Therapy

Detox Cleanse Drip

High Dose Vitamin C

Stress And Anxiety
Anti-Aging Therapy
This infusion helps to enhance your collagen production with adequate infusion formula that heals from the inside out. A potent blend of antioxidants to slow the effects of aging and reduce damage that has done to your body. Every single cell in the human body is affected by aging. One of the main contributing factors in the aging process is the accumulation of what’s known as senescent cells. At the end of every chromosome, there is a segment that protects your genetic data called a telomere. Each time the cell divides and the chromosome are replicated, this segment gets shorter. When the DNA damage becomes severe, cells stop functioning normally. Some of these cells will die, while others become senescent. Senescent cells can no longer replicate, but they remain metabolically active. They secrete inflammatory agents that can damage adjacent cells, interfering with the normal functioning of the body and causing chronic inflammation associated with age-related diseases.